Whenever people plan their outdoor trips, the travel bike is a good option. It helps them in going from one point to another with ease. But, travelling on public transportation during such trips can only be possible if they are able to carry along their bicycle. Then only they can move from the public transport to the next destination in their bike. This is the advantage of having a folding bicycle, which also can be used for travelling. For this purpose a lightweight bike is essential and more importantly, it should be foldable. It will allow these tourists to move across a long distance, without having to spend money on transport or waiting for the public vehicles to come along.
Varied features of lightweight foldable bike encouraging the tourists for long travels
Looking at historic sites, adventure locations and getting a kick out of travelling along the roads of unexplored territory becomes some of the important aspects of trips. When in these trips, people can have their travel bike, it adds further to the charm of the travel. This is possible with the bicycle which can be lugged along as a backpack. It can be moved over long distances in public transport. Such ability during tours is because of the lightweight nature. These bicycles are made from lightweight materials but with enough strength to ride these on difficult terrains.

Adventure travel is possible with the lightweight foldable bike which allows people to travel on road and inside public transport. Folding such bikes is also quite easy and possible for many people. The entire process of folding it into a case and then unfolding to travel on these bikes is an adventure with advantages for the travellers.