You might be wondering why many people prefer using the lightweight folding bicycle these days for commuting. There are multiple reasons contributing to the trend. Such reasons include escaping traffic jams, avoiding high cost fuel prices, hefty car rentals, and road rage among others. All these reasons make lightweight and folding bikes a preferred option for the commuters. In addition; there are other considerations like eco-friendliness, saving of time and money.

Lightweight Folding Bicycle
Top Reasons for Using Lightweight Folding Bicycle for Commuting
Some of the top reasons for using the folding bicycle for commuting are as follows.
Commuter can easily beat the traffic without being bogged down by the traffic jams and road rages.
Perform stress-free workout without inconvenience.
Carry the folding bike wherever necessary, even in airplanes.
These cycles do not require expensive fossil fuels and are pollution-free even when moving on battery power.
Storage is not a problem as the bike can be conveniently tucked away in the room corner of the user.
Lightweight Folding Bicycle Saves Money
Major advantage of using the lightweight folding bike is that it can save a lot of money for the users. A car-free person can save almost a million dollars in 35 years. Even for those depending on public and private transports like Bus and taxis and auto it saves huge amount of money. A recent study report indicates that the annual maintenance cost of the bicycle is 30 times less compared to the car maintenance. All these make opting for lightweight bike a profitable bargain for the user.
With all such advantages, it is no wonder that the number of lightweight folding bicycle is growing all over the world.