Growing traffic, rising price of fuels for automobiles, and space constraints for parking of vehicles have brought up a new concept of using folding bikes as the travel bike by the commuters. There are multiple advantages of using the foldable bikes for travel. For one, they are lightweight and portable. They also do not require dedicated parking space and are Eco-friendly not using the fossil fuels as they are driven manually by paddling.

Travel Bike
Use of Folding Bike as Travel Bike
What can the commuter do with the folding bike? Multiple tasks can be accomplished using the folding bike. They are ideal urban vehicles for short distance travels and can also be taken along like a luggage while traveling long distance in other modes of transport. The bike can be used for going on bike tours with people having little cycling experience. User can also pack the bike in a matter of minutes or even seconds.
Smaller and Compact Bikes for Long Distance Plying
Smaller and compact folding bikes are more suitable for short distance travels. A little larger size bikes are more suitable for long distance travels. But considering the conveniences they offer in traveling, the folding bikes are fast becoming the choice of the commuters for traveling. However, before choosing a folding bike for travel it is necessary checking its size on folding and performance levels to choose the right one.
Bottom line of all these is that folding bikes can also be used as travel bike provided the bike is qualitative, strong, and resilient enough to rise up to the challenge.